- Water Municipal water sewage connected to municipal collector
- Storm water collected in open channel
- Public lighting LED and magnetic induction lamps
- Pavement 3in asphalt pavements
- Electrical energy in medium tension
- Telecommunications Digital service – TELNOR. Fiber optic network – TRANSTELCO and REDIT
- Treated water N/A
- Fire protection hydrant network linked to municipality to serve as refueling pipes
- Amenities commercial area, sports field and daycare
- Water Municipal water sewage connected to municipal collector
- Storm water collected in open channel
- Public lighting LED and magnetic induction lamps
- Pavement 3in asphalt pavements
- Electrical energy in medium tension
- Telecommunications Digital service – TELNOR. Fiber optic network – TRANSTELCO and REDIT
- Treated water N/A
- Fire protection hydrant network linked to municipality to serve as refueling pipes
- Amenities commercial area, sports field and daycare
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Dirección del Parque
Producción 18
Producción 18, Parque Internacional Industrial Tijuana, 22424 Tijuana, B.C.